Wednesday, January 15, 2025

The Future is Stupid: Conspiracy 2025: The World Enslaved by a Virus

I have insurance in case they take down the trailer.


Hello, future dwellers.


This is a series of blog posts about how the future is presented in media. Normally we poke fun at how like robot technology is absolutely never close to where we want it at any given time, and have a grand old time. But today is no laughing matter. 

You are two years from when I am writing this, so I fear it is too late. In 2020 a pandemic ravaged the world. It was called Covid 19, a virus we where not prepared for.

It quickly encircled the globe, killing millions

 But what we didn't know, is that it was all a plot to purge America of it's Christian Population. By the time you read this, meetings will be illegal, traveling will be illegal, and Christianity will be illegal.

According to the 2021 movie 2025: The World Enslaved by a Virus.


2025TWEbaV, as we called it back in the early 2020s, is a very serious and real movie about the real threat that comes from if you're careful when a pandemic happens, a fear that very serious and knowledgeable people had during the first half of the decade. Usually, I try to keep these posts to a time that's like a lot farther so we can say more thoroughly judge if the pastronauts that made this media  could have  more reasonably predicted what was gonna happen but I think, as you can see, from your vantage point in the future, there is no doubt whether the government is setting up some kinda sinister antichristian prohibition  and purge facilitated by a virus.

Stories speak to the concerns  of the time they are made. It's easy to laugh at movies that had aliens finger wag us about nukes or that where worried we'd use DNA technology to make Dinosaur Parks, but the broad outline of the concerns in society can be felt, they have to be.

But the thing about concerns in the early part of this decade is, a lot of it is really dumb. Really, really dumb stuff. Like, "witches killing the crops" dumb. Stuff that you didn't think you'd run into at least two guys who believe it. Stuff that like people are drinking children's brains and the secret plot to make your kids gay. Like, we had actual politicians who's platforms where variations of  "We have to stop Hilary Clinton from ravaging children and then schooping their brain like a milkshake." They made laws while saying this. They got to make laws because they said this!

And in part you cannot even blame the people. While, yes, I am angry at people who couldn't stop to think besides their fears to resist falling into a panic, and thus causing something that could have been contained to roam free and kill millions, who I'm really angry with is people who had the capacity to  share the truth and instead chose to share lies and fears. Millions of people who don't suck died and yet these specimens lived...for the most part. It may not be as viscerally and visual but it's akin to planting a bomb and  then cooly walking out of the rubble. These people are fucking murderers.

 The people who made this film released it in 2021. This movie was released 10 days after a violent far right coup attempt, with the intent to overturn the government over conspiracies just like what's in this movie. Unfounded fears just like the ones being spread in this.

This one isn't the broad outlines of fears at the time. This is propaganda. This is a cardboard standee of the fears the worst people in the planet want you to have. This killed. This kills. This will kill.

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I am NOT the Best Geek Ever. What I am is a Puerto Rican writer, drawing artist,artisan and all around geek slowly working my way up the web ladder.
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