Friday, February 3, 2017

The TPP is Dead and we are Next

It's 2017 and I shouldn't be worrying about this kind of thing

Uh...this is week 2 of Donald Trump's Regime over America.

So first the good news. The TPP is dead. As you can remember the TPP is a trade deal that came with some copyright  clauses I didn't like. Like extending copyright's length and scope.

I like that that's not gonna happen.

I also enjoy living knowing we're not gonna all die next week in a hail of atomic dire, or next month in a shootout with the Chinese, or next year as ethnic cleansing begins to become official policy.

I know, fancy that.

Instead, things have taken a turn for the uncertain, as Trump has begun showing early signs he wants to make a war with both The American People, and free people's all over the world, either because he sincerely does not understand how to President, or because he wants to be America's first fully autocratic ruler.

Either is not an unexpected angle, as he has shown the signs of both during his campaign. 

It is unfortunate that things have taken the horrible turn that they have, yet it gives me hope that there are so many willing to put a foot forward and fight back against Trump and his cronies. I sincerely do believe people can make all the difference in the world, and hopefully things can be restored to their uh...former I can go back to talking about how much I want different kinda copyright. Sadly, with how  kleptocratic and big interest-happy this administrations has shown itself to be, I don't expect positive changes to the copyright  regime. In fact, It's terrible timing for Mickey's copyright to be almost over, if you think about it.

So what am I to do? Well, I've kind of spent the last two months watching the world crumble from the comfort of my bed. Maybe more of that. I'm thinking of changing the focus of this blog to address the unprecedented events taking place.

These are dark times, my friends, and if we don't get our act together, we're as good as dead. #Resist

Hopefully Mr Jones will be there.

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I am NOT the Best Geek Ever. What I am is a Puerto Rican writer, drawing artist,artisan and all around geek slowly working my way up the web ladder.
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