Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Mission Statement

The purpose of my other blog has sort of always been to look at the parts of the internet that don't get a lot of attention, and shine my light on them. You don't need me to tell you there's a new Halo coming out, or that Wolverine is dead. There's big, famous news sites that can do that.

But now something more pressing than the workings of cash cows. For you see, copyright in America has gotten long to the point of no works entering public domain until 2019. And there's a very real chance that the Powers that Be at the entertainment industry will try to shoot for an even longer copyright before that. We don't want that.

So I'm making a blog to focus exclusively on that, and on the characters that WOULD be public domain if it hadn't been stretched 40 whole years. I'll put a spotlight on the characters, they ways they've been used, and not used, and the ways they could be used, counting down until the day copyright returns, and hoping we can  maybe one day make these works that need to lapse...lapse.

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I am NOT the Best Geek Ever. What I am is a Puerto Rican writer, drawing artist,artisan and all around geek slowly working my way up the web ladder.
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