Thursday, April 30, 2015

Wednesday Adams vs NOTHING.

 The Addams Family are 76 years old. From the day the first comic strip by Charles Addams was inked, it was fated to be a big hit.  While my first instinct is to say that the concept of a lurid undead family has proven malleable, the truth in this case is that it's just funny, in the right hands.

But that's not to say it's not malleable. It has to be, it's had several TV shows, Movies, and cartoons, all somewhat adapting the original idea to suit the medium. It's even got an upcoming movie. Right now they've got nothing, but that movie's sure to set the box office on fire.
While that's (not yet) happening, a fan decided to make her own take on the idea, taking the daughter of the family, Wednesday Addams(Christina Ricci in the last movie), and giving her  a modern set story.  I haven't seen it, but I've heard good things.

But alas, live and let die is not a reasonable  idea in Big Media World. The owners of the franchise(not Charles Addams, he's friggin dead) have beheld from their palaces, all the works  available that somehow co-opt Addams Family, and have decided that THIS one is the one that must go away.

I could discuss that within reason, the Addams would already be Public Domain, according to the law of it's day. But I'm gonna do something different.

The Addams Estate, or whatever, is probably within safe legal ground to prohibit this show from existing. But ask yourself: Does the Addams Estate NEED to take down this show?

Now answer: Does the existence of  Wednesday Addams discourage the  Addams Estate from making more ANYTHING Addams Family? What is their loss? Is Wednesday Addams a reasonable alternative to official Addams Family products?  Do they have a Youtube comedy series?
Step back and reflect. Yugi-Oh Abridged and Epic Rap Battles of History might be next on the chopping block.

The very idea of copyright is to protect the creator from overpowering competition against their own creation. Any sane person could tell you that no, Wednesday Addams does not compete with any Addams products of today, because there are none like it. If you told me they had a direct-to-Youtube series, then obviously, this could be argued as competition. Even then, the only thing they would really be competing about would be time, as nothing impedes a watcher of one from simply seeing the other at a later time, and the product is probably distinct enough that both could have it's audience.

What's your favorite series on Youtube? Does it involve copyrighted characters?

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  • Wednesday Adams vs NOTHING.  The Addams Family are 76 years old. From the day the first comic strip by Charles Addams was inked, it was fated to be a big hit.  While … Read More


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