Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Frequently Stupid Questions: Public Domain Edition

Because public domain doesn't engender a lot of sympathy, I have decided to compile some answers to a lot of doubts people often have. I don't know if people actually feel like this, or if it's industry shills going around, but I think it's high time I addressed them. I mean we're four years away...

Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Operative: No One Owns Forever

There's no videogames in the public domain. All of them are copyrighted, as soon as they exist, and for never less then 95 years. Don't look for them. From the oldest pong clone to the  newest Halo. They aren't public domain and won't be until after you have died. Companies don't have, in 95 years, to prove they are interested in their work remaining under copyright. So don't be surprised...

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

What does stretched mean?

This blog strives to be informative, if nothing else. I know we aren't getting taught about copyright laws in schools, so I try to keep things defined and explained here. Anytime I use the say copyright got stretched, I'm putting a link to this page explaining it.  This is the copyright duration of a work that lapsed, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, presented in chart form What you are seeing...

Mission Statement

The purpose of my other blog has sort of always been to look at the parts of the internet that don't get a lot of attention, and shine my light on them. You don't need me to tell you there's a new Halo coming out, or that Wolverine is dead. There's big, famous news sites that can do that. But now something more pressing than the workings of cash cows. For you see, copyright in America has gotten...

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I am NOT the Best Geek Ever. What I am is a Puerto Rican writer, drawing artist,artisan and all around geek slowly working my way up the web ladder.
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